Hello people..

I have recently finally been making it over many bumps and turns in my life.I've been slowly changing. My past selves have molded me into who I am today. I have finally realized how cruel and cold this world is. I miss the days of innocence when nothing really mattered; when friends grew together instead of growing apart, and when love was an abstract emotion instead of a true feeling. My body may be young but I've experienced so much in life already.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What type of girl am i?

Some question, and my answer..

1.do i do to spice up a boring mood?

Boring mood? nahhh, when i'm around, DON'T think that's possible! i mean i'm so fun! =)

2.What do you look for in a guy?

Someone who cares about me and is interested in what i'm interested in.Aactually i've found my mr.right already =p

3.What's my favorite day in the week?

I can make a bad situation worse on ANY day.lol

4.What's my favorite type of pet?

Anything that takes care of itself.haha

5.How am i you perceived as by others?

Crazy when the time's right...okay just crazy!haha..some more,like I care. If they like me, they do. If they don't-leave me alone.

6.Do i like shopping?

I shop when I can, and if I see something cute, why not right?

7.How do i want my guy to treat me?

Well. If we have a good time, doesn't matter how. happy always =)

8.What's my favorite type of food?

Leftovers. Anything i find lying around in the fridge. and also anything i can cook with what materials i have available.

9.What could i improve about myself?

A lot of things, but i won't worry about that now. Life is about living in the moment. i love myself just the way i am. i mean who doesn't?

10.How do i view myself as?
I have my own personality and i'm not afraid to show it. It's who i am, not what you want me to be ; i'm outgoing, loud, love to laugh.

know me better peeps~

Monday, June 28, 2010

jauhi jenis-jenis lelaki macam nie?

zaman sekarang,it's hard for a girl to find a bf or calon husband yang almost perfect dan baik..kan?kan? pepatah Inggeris mengatakan, ‘like looking for a needle in a haystack’ atau terjemahannya ‘ibarat mencari jarum di dalam timbunan jerami’…huhu : -). perempuan semestinya nakkan lelaki yang baik to be her husband, of coz la sbb nnti lelaki tu yang akan jdik ketua rumahtangga ok.

Apakah ciri-ciri lelaki-lelaki yang akan dijauhi wanita …

1. Soo kedekut – perangai lelaki gnie dah macam Hj. Bakhil.Actually, tak salah kalau you simpan duit sebab nak tukar kereta baru ker, rumah baru ker (jangan tukar bini baru, sudah:-p) Cuma jangan terlalu kedekut la sampai setiap kali keluar dengan si buah hati, si dia pulak yang kena bayar for everything. It's not fair ok! Anyway, kalau anda tengah saving pun, harap-harap ada la sikit bajet untuk digunakan semasa keluar dating, kan?

saya amat pemurah..wakakaka

2. Perasan hensem – hoho…hensem sangat ke? maybe ada lelaki yang mengaku hensem tu memang betul-betul hensem:-) if btul pon, no nees nak menunjuk-nunjuk.sama lah dgn pompuan pon..heeeee.. Satu yang perlu anda tahu, mungkin anda perasan anda hensem, tapi bagaimana pulak di mata orang lain? Anyway, kehenseman seseorang tidak dapat menjamin kebahagiaan…beb!

if cantik or ensem no need bising2 laa..low profile sudeeyyy..kan?kan?

3.Hipokrit – atau kata lainnya suka berpura2.. Depan-depan kita dia cakap lain, belakang pulak lain. Siapa jek nak lelaki camnie, kan? At least berterus terang je lah tentang perangai anda yang sebenar… and then it’s up to the lady whether to accept you or not, right?

4. Playboy – kaum2 perempuan diluar sana, berhati-hatilah dengan lelaki playboy atau ‘land croc’ aka buaya darat’ nie..wakaka.. Jangan mudah tertipu dengan penampilannya yang baik dan sopan. Wanita kena selidik dulu latar belakang lelaki yang bakal menjadi teman lelaki/suaminya tue kerana takut silap-silap haribulan nanti, nama anda akan menjadi salah seorang ‘mangsa’ yang tertulis di dalam buku hitamnya nanti. So, berwaspadalah…

5. Tak gentleman - bukannya ‘lelaki lembut’, sebaliknya istilah ‘gentleman’ tu bermaksud lelaki budiman. So, jangan salah faham pulak..:-) Sesetengah orang kata lelaki Malaysia nie ramai yang tak ‘gentleman’… betul meyh? Cuba tanya diri sendiri soalan2 nie: Ketika tengah berasak-asak untuk naik bas, anda pun turut berasak sama ke atau bagi peluang kepada wanita dan golongan tua naik dahulu? Pernah tak anda membuka pintu kereta untuk teman wanita/isteri anda? Anda pernah ‘offer’ untuk angkat barang-barang ketika shopping? Ketika berjalan bersama-sama, anda akan pimpin tak tangan orang kesayangan anda? Ke anda just jalan terus jer…hinggakan jika kekasih terjatuh ke dalam lubang pun… korang tak sedar, bagaimanakah? So, guys… belajar2 lah untuk menjadi seorang lelaki budiman. Gerenti ramai wanita yang akan tertarik pada anda nanti!

Padanlah wanita pada zaman ini sukar sekali untuk bertemu pasangan mereka, kan?
Ooops, jangan ada yang terasa hati pulak kerana ini cumalah bacaan santai..sekian =)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My cheerful attitude infuses joy wherever I go.

Wherever i go, i bring a smile with me because joy is part of who i am. i am happy because i choose to see life through appreciative eyes. I focus on my blessings so i can be happy with my life.

There is nothing more beautiful than a smiling face. Regardless of the circumstances i encounter, the joy that is within me is reflected through my actions. Happiness is an attitude, and it is up to me.

If i want to be surrounded by positive people, i must eliminate negativity from my own life. People around me are inevitably injected with my joy. My cheerful attitude is contagious.

When i speak, my words are filled with cheer and encouragement. I make people feel comfortable when they are close to me by being friendly, patient, and easy going. My personality draws other positive people.

To be joyful, i focus on solutions instead of problems. I maintain an optimistic mood about the future. Having a cheerful attitude is a powerful tool in creating success. I confidently expect to succeed and my expectations become my reality.

I stimulate my creativity and generate opportunities for personal growth when i choose a positive perspective. A positive outlook on life can change the entire view. As a result of my attitude,iI enjoy vibrant health.

Today, i choose to bring joy with me wherever i go. I share my happiness with others through positive speech and kind gestures.

Kegirangan bersama si dia dan mereka!

Last weekend aku baru jek berjumpa ngn si dia (bear2 kesayanganku) and also my beloved friends..what a great time i'd spend with them..kali nie lama sikit aku bleh jumpa dgn kekasih atiku and bnyak bnda both of us spend together..kan syg kan????bukan slalu berjumpa ngn si dia,so that every second ada ngn dia, i will spend it dengan sebaik2nya!!!!!!

you know what honey, you complete my life..without you,maybe i can't found my happiness =)

aku juga happy bersama mereka, "the best friend's i've ever had". hopefully they'll will be the greatest friend in my life forever!

with Dedymus Rofinus..such a great guy as a friend!

the girls..i love them!

My positive attitude attracts "quality friends"

My friends are gracious people who love me just the way i am. I feel good when i am around my friends. Spending time with my friends leaves me feeling a deep sense of happiness.

I am successful at forming valuable relationships through my positive personality. Unafraid to be myself,i let go of inhibitions and have a blast with my loved ones. Because i accept myself, others accept me.

My confidence draws people to me because i make them feel good about themselves too. I make it a point to look for the positive in everyone and highlight it. I forgive people’s mistakes, just the way i want people to overlook mine.

I refrain from judging others because i am imperfect, too. I am a work in progress, learning from life’s experiences. I am humble enough to understand that we are all works in progress – improving, yet unfinished.

I have the courage to eliminate the negative from my life. Not all the people who come into my life are positive influences. It is up to me to keep those who make me feel inadequate out of my life. I choose to surround myself with quality friends.

Today, I choose to exhibit a positive personality to attract other positive people into my life.

Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How do I feel after a night out with friends?
2. What changes do I need to make in choosing friends?

dilema seorang "aku"

Agak lama dah xhadap blog neh.jadik skarang mahu activate balik selagi ada masa.haishh,now..what about?lagi berapa minggu jek ni nak masuk blaja..i'm going to stuDYING..haha..that's what i wanna do right now,be a chef in my future..ingat pompuan skarang xske pegnag senduk meyh?ingat ske mekap2, fesyen2 jek?aku bukan begitu sebenarnya..yeahh,aku suka and sgt addict to food,tapi aku tidak suka makan kerana risaukan lemak2 di badan..so?so?aku ingin belajar skill2 masak yang belum aku ketahuan lagi,sbbnya aku mau bukak bisnes sndri bilaku sudah abes belaja..ini keinginanku..tp ada satu msalah yg jadik dilema dalam hidupku skarang. about my parent?oh no..why?why?bukan mereka xsuka aku nak sambung stdy,but they think about masa depan yang terjamin..kalo stdy tuh xterjamin kaaaa? =(
this coming 31june aku ada interview kat pejabat pendidikan as admin,tapi aku xnak pergi.kerna dalam fikiran aku hanya mahu belajar.tak suka sgt oke if nak buat 2bnda dlm 1 masa.if dah aku mahu stdy,why kena pegi interview tuh?why?why?ohhh..kenapalah perent ku?bagilah aku peluang untuk buktikan yg aku boleh berjaya dlm bidang nie..come onnnnnnnnnnn. macam mana pon, green light for me nak pergi stdy mmg da dapat..so why nak bsing2 kat blog nehh?suka lah atii..pfft

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Everything happen for a reason..isnt't?

Sometimes people come into my life and i know right away that they were meant to be there, they serve some sort of purpose, teach me a lesson or help figure out who i am or who i want to become.

and never know who these people may be; my roommate, my neighbor, professor, long lost friend, lover or even a complete stranger who, when i lock eyes with them, i know that very moment that they will affect my life in some profound way.
And sometimes things happen to me and at the time they seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection i will realize that without overcoming those obstacles i would never have realized my potential, strength, will power of heart.
Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments or true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of the soul.

Without these small tests, if they be events, illnesses or relationships, life would be like a smooth paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.
The people that i meet who affect my life and successes and downfalls my experience, they are the ones who create who i am. Even the bad experience can be learned from... Those lessons are the hardest and probably the most important ones.If someone hurts me, betrays me, or breaks my heart...i will forgive them, for they have helped me learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom i'm my your heart.If someone loves me,i will love them back unconditionally, not only because they love me, but because they are teaching me to love and opening my heart and eyes to things i would have never seen or felt without them.

I will make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that i possibly can, for i may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people i have never talked to before, and actually listen,would let myself fall in love, break free and set my sights high. i can make of my life anything that i wish. Create my own life and then go out and live it.

So,I wish you all the best in your endeavors as well as struggles in life. Have a fighting spirit and never hesitate to get back in the struggle!
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